Forrester Report

Forrester Predictions 2024: Payments


Read this Forrester report to gain analyst insight on the future of payments and cloud technology investments.

Who should read

Executives and business decision makers in fintechs, banking, financial institutions, and payment processing organizations.


To drive for value-added services for payments, it’s more important than ever to understand what the future holds. Forrester’s Predictions 2024: Payments report can help you make informed investments that will position your firm to make a difference and create added value in 2024 for consumers and payment experiences.


  • 2024 is all about adding value: Wallets go beyond payments, the power of networks hits B2B, and account-to-account and micropayments break out
  • Micropayments will break out of their niche and become an alternative to subscriptions
  • More than half of B2B business will flow through B2B payment networks

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